Chapter 25
Canada's largest and most comprehensive gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered site.
Canadian Black Heritage in the Third Millennium
This online resource allows students to research black history from a Canadian perspective.
Pier 21
This site for a major historic point of entry to Canada includes downloadable education kits.
Assembly of First Nations/Assembl�e des Premi�res Nations
This comprehensive bilingual site provides links to a vast range of information on First Nations people.
An exercise in "urban removal" in Canada, the social significance of Africville, as well as the history
of black settlers in Nova Scotia, are examined at this site.
Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry
This excerpt from Thomas R. Berger's Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland outlines the environmental,
social, and economic consequences-to the northern territories and their people-of the proposed Mackenzie Valley energy corridor.
New Wave Movement
This site contains the story of Coach House Press and the small press movement in English Canada in the 1960s.
The Official National Hockey League Web Site
The history of the NHL, news, schedules, scores, statistics, players and teams can all be found at this official site.
The Official Canadian Football League Web Site
This official CFL site includes league history, player biographies, news, schedules, scores, statistics, and links to team sites.
Norval Morrisseau and Medicine Painting
This site includes galleries of Morriseau's work, a biography, and descriptions of Woodland Indian paintings and painters.
Canada Heirloom Series, Volume 5 volume5/volume5.htm
This site provides links to the biographies of famous Canadians, past and present.